Business Support
We recognise that many of our clients find it difficult to balance the need to develop and run their business with the day to day chore of maintaining their financial records, paying their staff and dealing with the various Revenue and Customs returns.
At Abbingdon Knight we offer Business Support solutions that allow you to concentrate on your key business activities. Our services are tailored to your needs and we aim to provide you with the best framework for growing your business.
Clients can lack the time, resources or expertise to develop their business. Often acting in the capacity of financial manager or director, our partners meet regularly with clients to discuss how their businesses can become more successful and profitable in the future. Our Business Support services help you to identify the biggest challenges facing your businesses today and how they can be resolved.
- Development of financial and management systems and processes to achieve efficiency
- A range of services which can help relieve your business of the burden of book-keeping work
- Company secretarial services
- Preparation of business plans, identifying the right type of finance and obtaining loans
- Management reporting information to reflect your needs in terms of information provided and frequency
- Commercial and taxation advice on acquiring new business premises, considering the options of a Business Centre or Serviced Office, Lease or Freehold purchase
- Long-term business planning and development advice
- Strategic Planning. We will attend any of your key business meetings as a resource to help you make the very best use of your time. Using us from silent observer to adjudicator, technical adviser to independent sounding board, chairman to minute taker, or even as the facilitator for brainstorming sessions